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【好浪漫又好心痛!】男子瀑布前和女友浪漫求婚 在重要时刻他手一抖钻戒掉水里…


这件事情发生在2011年,男子舒曼(Andrew Schuhmann)当时和女友已经爱情长跑6年多,所以想用特别的方式求婚,于是和女友到大峡谷哈瓦苏瀑布时,他带女友到瀑布中间,然后就在跳水前趁机下跪求婚。



Can't help but remember on this day my notorious April Fool's folly that everyone thought was fake that was actually REAL… I proposed to Kammie Schuhmann at Havasupai falls at the bottom of the Grand Canyon over March Spring Break two years ago. A hasty last minute decision was made to do it at an amazingly beautiful spot over one of the falls, and Ron Rod III was going to get the whole thing on film. We would count to three to "jump off the falls together," and instead of jumping I would propose at three. I had the ring on my pinky finger and my hand in a fist the whole time so it wouldn't fall off. So the film was rolling, the countdown commenced, I got down on my knee, pulled up my fist to present the ring, and it was GONE! DOWN THE WATERFALL! She had no clue what was going on. Mortified, I ended up proposing without the ring, and the whole thing was on film. (You can actually see the ring fly off my finger, and hear Ron in the film saying, "He didn't just drop the ring did he?")Well, she said yes, and I immediately recruited her to help me dive for the ring! Two hypothermic hours and no ring later, we gave up and had to hike the eight miles out of the canyon to our car, unsure of how to process what just happened. Did it even count? Was it real? Were we engaged? Or should we just ignore what just happened and try again?By the time we got to the top, we decided we were gonna run with the truth, and called our friends, not realizing it was actually April 1st. We told the heartbreaking story of how we were engaged, but there's no ring because I just dropped it down a waterfall at the moment of proposal. Literally no one believed us, telling us to call them back the next day. So we had to call them all on April 2 to rehash it all over again! True story.

Posted by Andrew Schuhmann on Wednesday, 1 April 2015


The post 【好浪漫又好心痛!】男子瀑布前和女友浪漫求婚 在重要时刻他手一抖钻戒掉水里… appeared first on The Coverage 中文版.

- joliewan

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