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Why use Lorem Ipsum when you can have Lorem Dim Sum?

Hear ye, hear ye, all you professional PowerPoint slide creators.

Aren’t you tired of the monotonous Lorem Ipsum filler text you’ve been using in your slides? Is gibberish Latin just not cutting it for you?

“Lorem Ipsum” translates roughly to “pain itself”, and we feel your pain when having to use the soulless filler text for the umpteenth time.

Finally, someone has created the ultimate replacement: Lorem Dim Sum.

This Lorem Dim Sum machine, designed by Kalish, Myrow, and Allick, automatically generates filler text that is chocked full of delectable dim sum delights.

An example of the filler text is as follows:

Lorem dim sum Cha siu bao A creamy mango pudding Chiu-chao fan guo Siu mai Haam sui gau Jiu cai bau Zhaliang Pei guen.

Pei guen Lo baak gou Taro cake Deep fried pumpkin and egg-yolk ball vegetarian crisp spring rolls dried scallop and leek puff.

lorem dim sum

So if you ever had a Lorem Ipsum boo-boo, like publishing a Straits Times article with filler text, the mistakes you would make with Lorem Dim Sum would at least look delicious.


Related article:

Straits Times wrote an article about S’pore literary icon, Mr Lorem Ipsum


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- Jonathan Lim

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